Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One TIME Wood Protector Review

I have personally used and tested One TIME Wood Protector for a few years now. We talk every week to many clients who have used One TIME Wood Protector for previous projects. We continue to get fantastic reports from clients across the country who have shared their results with us. I believe this is the best choice for "headache free" deck and log home care. One TIME Wood Protector is our product of choice for enduring beauty, and easy maintenance on exterior wood.

I have evaluated and tested many many deck and log care products both as a former contractor and as a technical coatings consultant. One TIME Wood Protector is the closest to "the perfect product" for most homeowners. The biggest frustration and an environmental disaster are the products that lead to eventual stripping and sanding. Most "acrylic stains" eventually fail, and build up color, but are very difficult to strip, yet they are continually sold. I just think the majority of acrylics being touted are one of the biggest problems with deck care, and log homes. I, like everyone else would love to find a good acrylic, but most manufacturers are just not there yet with the technology. We have found only one long-lasting translucent acrylic among all we have tested. The majority of acrylics available in the Warehouse and Depot type stores have led to many, many , many, many preventable failures among the clients we consult with across the country.

Most traditional oil based stains contain mildew-feeding linseed oil, and last only a year or two. Many products are highly advertised with false longevity claims. Frequent maintenance coats of most oil based stains generally lead to a darkening over time, and eventual stripping. Many deck and log care product reviews or comparisons rate products in a laboratory setting, and fail to consider the beauty of the wood, and real world circumstances. Most log home products we see advertised and endorsed carry false claims with respect to longevity. They fail to account for the frequent maintenance required.

Bottom line, I just think the One TIME does what it says: wood is protected from mildew and moisture for several years, and we can easily refresh color whenever we desire without ever stripping or even heavy chemical cleaning. I describe it as "non-problematic", unlike most other choices out there.

I hope this helps.


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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Structures Nature One Review

The PaintSource team has been providing painting and wood care advice for over 20 years. During that time we have tested and evaluated most available wood coatings on the market. Many wood stains and coatings readily available demonstrate repeated failure and preventable maintenance. Our experience has shown that only a few select coatings offer the level of performance, beauty, and durability that we demand for our clients. One of those products is Structures Nature One.

Nature One is for our clients who choose a more finished satin sheen on the log. Nature One provides 1, 2, and 3 Coat Systems that address all the shortcomings of every other water based wood coating we have tested. Among the common problems with most acrylics is short-term durability leading to color buildup with frequent maintenance. Most Water based finishes dry quickly leading to irregular sheen and applicator marks. While Nature One dries quicker than the oils, it has adequate open time for easy application. Nature One seems to have the proper mix of natural oils, as it does darken and enhance the wood like an oil, but we get the benefit of water cleanup.

For log homes and wood siding, quicker dry time means we can also utilize limited scaffolding and ladders by leaving equipment in place and recoating in as little as 3 hours without having to break down equipment. We apply 2-3 coats in an area, and we are done in that section. This eliminates 2 extra setups and breakdowns. We love the quick curing nature of the product for this reason.

The translucent clarity of the Nature One is really what makes it a top choice for us among film-forming coatings. This coating is as translucent as any we have tested. Most water based coatings appear cloudy. Natural color and beauty easily shows through and is enhanced by the transoxide pigment in Nature One.

Nature One provides enduring beauty for our clients. We are getting a couple of extra years beyond the typical 3 years of the other alkyd coatings tested. We are seeing 4-5 year durability on south and west facing exposures with a 3 coat system of Nature One. The clear Renew is a great part of the system as well. Many commonly available satin coatings lead to color buildup with repeated maintenance. The Structures renew allows us to easily rejuvenate the harsh exposures every few years, keeping the finish looking practically new for years. We always recommend annual visual inspections for wood structures to identify the best maintenance program for each client.

Another great thing we like about the Structures Nature One is that we can apply it as a maintenance coating over existing satin alkyd finishes that have deteriorated or weathered. We have consulted with hundreds of clients who are frustrated with the required maintenance and solvent exposure of many existing oil base coatings. Switching to maintenance with the water-cleanup Nature One helps us reduce solvent exposure and is our product of choice for most wood care projects where the client desires a satin translucent coating.

We are glad to discuss our experience with Structures Wood Care or any of the other wood care products we feature at Our body of information is the result of our diverse experience in the wood care industry. We are not obligated to the manufacturers of any of the products we discuss. We simply share with clients our experience and strong opinion about better solutions available for wood care. Structures Nature One is one of those solutions.

Doug Wilson
Lexington, KY